
Exploit for Easy File Management Web Server 5.3 on Win7 32 that doesn't use bruteforce

Primary LanguagePython


Exploit for Easy File Management Web Server 5.3 on Win7

Based on:

  • pwntools
  • msfvenom / reverse_tcp payload

Vulnerable app available at https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/10374

The original exploit from https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/33453 uses stack bruteforce technique (2nd byte), but it makes it less reliable and produces crashes. Another exploit from https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/33610 uses pretty much the same technique as me, but it looks like completly different steps were found. I don't have to build anything on the stack, so the flow is much simpler.

Bytes at 0x10018A3C in ImageLoad.dll are used to jump into pretty harmless code block (0x1001882B), that does couple pop's, resulting in RET to controlled trampoline, and then shellcode.