
This project is deployed using continous deployment with Netlify. Deployment link is:

Getting Started

*Git clone "name of repo" *yarn install *yarn start


redux-thunk yarn test node-sass chartjs redux husky-hook prettier material-ui axios prop-types eslint eslint-plugin


  • React
  • Redux
  • Material ui
  • Jest for testing


myimage-alt-tag - Loading State

myimage-alt-tag -Desktop view(selected)

myimage-alt-tag - Mobile View

Best Practice

  • Added prop-types making the code easy to use and ensuring the type of data in a component is rendered correctly
  • Errors were handles well
  • Routes was handed properly although this is a one page app
  • Comments were added where neccessary
  • Codes were linted to analyze and find error in code, prettier for formatting
  • Redux for state management to avoid prop drilling in app
  • All files related to a single components are in a folder
  • Ensure that I make use of code splitting to reduce load time and allow load chunk only when a neccessary component/page is rendered or needed, Using suspense and lazy.
  • Avoided NaN for dates in (AM/PM and YYYY/MM/DD format) safari browser by adding 'T'; parsing from string


  • Funtions for Convering dates in AM/PM and yyyy/mm/dd formats were written without using any library
  • Material ui was used in styling the weather cards and button and material icons for icons
  • User can get tempatures for a given country Munich in this case
  • Refresh button to update data
  • Loading screen that shows before the data gets displayed
  • Weather cards to display the temperature, date and forecast for Munich city

Proposed Improvement

  • More unit tests can be added
  • Mobile device view can also be improved more for users
  • Once another card is clicked the active border on the border should go off