
Exploratory Data Analysis on PetMind using Power BI. Case study for the DataCamp Associate Data Analyst Certificate Exam.

Associate Data Analyst Practical Exam Submission: Pet Supplies


PetMind is a retailer of products for pets. They are based in the United States.

PetMind sells products that are a mix of luxury items and everyday items. Luxury items include toys. Everyday items include food.

The company wants to increase sales by selling more everyday products repeatedly. They have been testing this approach for the last year. They now want a report on how repeat purchases impact sales.

The dataset contains the sales records in the stores last year. More on the project can be found here.


  1. For every column in the data:
    • State whether the values match the description given in the table above.
    • State the number of missing values in the column.
    • Describe what you did to make values match the description if they did not match.
  2. Create a visualization that shows how many products are repeat purchases. Use the visualization to:
    • State which category of the variable repeat purchases has the most observations.
    • Explain whether the observations are balanced across categories of the variable repeat purchases.
  3. Describe the distribution of all of the sales. Your answer must include a visualization that shows the distribution.
  4. Describe the relationship between repeat purchases and sales. Your answer must include a visualization to demonstrate the relationship.

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