
💬 Apply NLP for Tweet sentiment analysis

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


"Text Extraction" project - Polytech ET5 IT - Noted for S9 (2021-2022)

The goal is to determine the sentiment behind a tweet using Natural Language Processing thanks to PyTorch.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development purpose.


Things you need to install the project :


Here are some instructions on how to get the development env running.

First, clone this repository with the following command :

$ git clone https://github.com/0xWryth/EIT.git

Then, after moving into the /EIT folder just created, start Jupyter using :

$ jupyter notebook


> jupyter-notebook.exe

if you are a Windows user.

This should open up your browser (if it doesn't, visit, and you should see Jupyter's tree view, with the contents of the current directory.


The file train_label_final.txt has been created by class students. Each line is an annotated tweet. Our model only processes 'consensus' annotated lines.

Built with Python