PHP Basic API using Token
Assuming you understand the basics of the Apache server (or any other web server), Postgres database creation, basic classes/namespaces in PHP. Clone the project to the specific location of your web server. Apache like /var/www/html
All public functions are in a controller class. The functions will be used as the endpoint of the API. Crud operations are inherited by ControllerBase and must be overwritten if it is to be used.
namespace core\controller;
abstract class BaseController implements interfaces\Crud{
public $api;
// GET /api/<router>/
public function getList(){
throw new \Exception('Not alowed');
// POST /api/<router>/
public function save(){
throw new \Exception('Not alowed');
// GET /api/<router>/:id
public function get($id){
throw new \Exception('Not alowed');
// PUT /api/<router>/
public function remove($id){
throw new \Exception('Not alowed');
Exemple of use (BookController.php)
namespace core\controller;
class BookController extends BaseController{
public function __construct($api){
$this->api = $api;
Override method getList()
* Get users
* @Override from BaseController
public function getList(){
$q = "SELECT * FROM book";
return $this->api->db->execute($q));
}catch(\Exception $e){
throw $e;
Add new method to BookController.php (/api/book/author/:author)
public function author($author){
$q = "SELECT * FROM book WHERE author = ?";
return $this->api->db->execute($q, array($author));
}catch(\Exception $e){
throw $e;
All controllers are registered in class MyAPI.php, open /core/MyAPI.php
and put new router on __construct
public function __construct($request, $origin) {
parent::registerRouter('/book', new controller\BookController($this));
The requests are made based on the token, the token contains the authenticated user information and the expiration expiration date. The Authenticate header is required for every request.
Authorization: Bearer <token>
As a plus, the methodology of sending the password via post is in an encapsulated way. You will have to create the hash to send to api. The hash is created by method: md5( md5(nonce) + md5(client-password) ) + nonce. Nonce is a string with 32 characters. To use your own authentication method, simply, edit the 'auth()' method in the file: core/controller/UserController.php.