
A drop-in view for iOS that gives access to the device cameras and allows photos to be captured.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


A drop-in view for iOS that gives access to the device's cameras and allows photos to be captured.


pod 'ARCameraView'

Using ARCameraView

An instance of a camera view can be created either in Interface Builder or programmatically using -initWithFrame: It should be noted that the camera does not start automatically; start the camera by calling the -startCamera method.

It is good practise to stop the camera whenever it is not directly in use, this includes when the app goes to background. The best way to achieve this is for the managing viewcontroller to recieve notifications for your app entering the background or foreground and calling -stopCameraAndSession and -startCamera respectively.

The camera view has a shutter button on the view that can be pressed by the user to take a photograph. The photograph is then displayed in the camera view. Pressing the shutter button again will dismiss the photograph and restart the camera.

By default the shutter button is hidden when the camera is adjusting focus to avoid taking blurry photos although this behaviour can be removed by setting the property hideCaptureButtonDuringCameraAdjustingFocus to NO.


It is possible to add an overlay to the camera view. This could be usec to give the camera a grid, or someother relevant guide to help align photos. The overlay takes the form of a CALayer sized to the bounds of the camera view assigned to the overlay property. To remove the overlay set the property to nil. By default the overlay will be hidden when an image is captured. The overlay can be displayed over the captured image by setting showOverlayOverCapturedImage to YES.

Camera view events

The camera view has a delegate that can be used to receive notifications that a photo has been captured.

Customising the camera button

The shutter button can be customised to be placed on another view or use a custom button. The button is accessed with the captureButton property. Setting this property to nil will create the default capture button and add it to the camera view.


ARCameraView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.