Kaggle Competition for Predicting NCAA Basketball Tourney Games
Jupyter Notebook
- 95chenjz
- a8h
- akhilperincherryMountain view, California
- andr3w321
- arvindsankar
- chances-is
- Clark934Meta, inc.
- clprice32Atlanta, GA
- CokaHoo
- cpfrer
- florinpEast Wolf
- foursking1
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- hailcaesarAustin, TX
- Hunteram
- HunterGerlach@RedHatOfficial @RhtConsulting @RedHat4Gov
- jeorrybN4mative
- jlmatusNicaragua
- jonathanegolNew York, NY
- junhwanjangSouth Korea
- kajorie
- KavignonShopify
- mitevpiEnscape
- mworlesDexcom
- NDumaSpinning on Spheres - Centripetally lightened.
- paveljurca{"city" : "Prague, CZ"}
- rattymussell
- rubberviscous
- spencerthayer
- tanken
- treacheroust
- ubaidsayyed54
- wynnbUniversity of Washington
- Yevgnen
- YiziwinnieChicago
- Z-Richardson