
Playground - Operator for K8S deployment and LCM

Primary LanguageGo


  • istio inject
  • apigw


Postgres & NATS

The order system rely on a postgres database as well as a NATS message bus. If you already have an instance deployed, available to consume, then skip this step. Else, you can deploy them as follow:

helm install order-system-db -n default \
  --set postgresqlUsername=order-system,postgresqlPassword=Password123,postgresqlDatabase=order-system \

helm install order-system-nats -n default \
  --set auth.enabled=true,auth.user=order-system,auth.password=Password123 \

NATS & DB credentials must be provided through a secret, using the following keys:

  • username
  • password

Example, in the case they are sharing the same credentials; else, create two secrets:

kubectl create secret generic order-system-crendentials --from-literal=username=order-system --from-literal=password=Password123

Support for HPA

  1. Instal the hpa-operator from Banzai
helm repo add banzaicloud-stable https://kubernetes-charts.banzaicloud.com
helm repo udpate
helm install banzaicloud-stable/hpa-operator



Apply CRD

kubectl apply -f example/order-system.yaml