
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Service to register tickets associated to vulnerabilities in a tracker tool.

⚠️ Alpha status

This service is under active development and for sure will break compatibility until it gets a stable release.

Running the service in local mode

For running the component locally, clone and run at the root of the repo the following:

go install ./...
cd db && source postgres-start.sh && cd -
cd db && source flyway-migrate.sh && cd -
vulcan-tracker -c _resources/config/local.toml

To stop the dependencies, run:

cd db && ./postgres-stop.sh

How to enroll teams manually

To register teams manually in vulcan-tracker, it is necessary to create the corresponding records in the project and tracker_configurations tables.

Afterwards, the corresponding secrets must be created in the AWS Secret Manager. Under the stored key AWSSERVERCREDENTIALS_KEY. For every register in tracker_configuration we create a secret with the information below:

  • Type of secret: "Other type of secret":
  • Secret name: AWSSERVERCREDENTIALS_KEY/<id_tracker_configuration>.
  • Secret value: create key/value pair with the key "token" and the Personal Access Token of the Jira account.

Using aws cli;

aws secretsmanager create-secret \
    --name /path/to/credential/key/f49b0a11-6cb6-47da-9739-21a92d84f4db \
    --description "Credentials for the account example" \
    --secret-string "{\"token\":\"7wSIKx=zV6J66E5ng4-Cqj7i-bwk-aGHumyjOkf/4LTeN6RNVT?5ZRdzBYFYNPwx\"}"

At this point, the access with Personal Access Token (PAT) is the only one supported.

Docker execute

Those are the variables you have to use:

Variable Description Sample
PORT 8080
PG_HOST Database host localhost
PG_NAME Database name vulnerabilitydb
PG_USER Database user vulnerabilitydb
PG_PASSWORD Database password vulnerabilitydb
PG_PORT Database port 5432
PG_SSLMODE One of these (disable,allow,prefer,require,verify-ca,verify-full) disable
AWSSERVERCREDENTIALS_KEY Parent key in the AWS Secret Manager to store server secrets /vulcan/k8s/tracker/jira/
AWSSERVERCREDENTIALS_ENDPOINT Optional AWS endpoint http://locacalstack/
DEFAULT_TEAM_PROJECT team id with a project that will be used as project for all the non explicit declared teams
AWS_REGION eu-west-1
docker build . -t vulcantracker

# Use the default config.toml customized with env variables.
docker run --env-file ./local.env vulcantracker

# Use custom config.toml
docker run -v `pwd`/custom.toml:/app/config.toml vdba