adevore3's dotfiles
- Vim settings
- Tmux settings
- Autojump
- Cheat
- Work specific configs are set up in a private work repository and added as a git submodule
This repo contains submodules and an easy way to clone those along with this repo is using the following command
Old way that doesn't seem to work anymore
git clone --recurse-submodules
New way requires gh
package. clone command doesn't have an option for submodules
gh repo clone adevore3/dotfiles
git submodule update --init --recursive
If submodules don't initialize properly
git submodule update --init --force --remote
This was inspired by anishathalye's article on how to manage your own dotfiles using his dotfiles template and dotbot.
This software is hereby released into the public domain. That means you can do
whatever you want with it without restriction. See
for details.
That being said, I would appreciate it if you could maintain a link back to Dotbot (or this repository) to help other people discover Dotbot.