Requires at least Python 3.4.3, Numpy 1.8.2, Pandas 0.13.1, matplotlib 1.3.1 and (the Python Image Library) PIL 2.3.0.
You can run this program on the command line by 'python3' with the following options:
> usage: parseXML [-h] [--file FILE] [--max_size MAX_SIZE] [--csv_output]
> optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--file FILE, -f FILE path to xml file to get data from.
--max_size MAX_SIZE, --size MAX_SIZE, -s MAX_SIZE
How many characters should be parsed in one iteration.
--csv_output, --csv, -c
Without this option the parsed data will not be saved
to csv files.
> usage: streets [-h] [--csv_dir CSV_DIR] [--print_types]
[--analyze_lengths LENGTHS]
[--street_type TYPE] [--plot] [--dpi DPI]
> optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--csv_dir CSV_DIR, --csv CSV_DIR, --c CSV_DIR
Specify the csv directory from which the data will be
--print_types, -pt With this option one can print all street_types.
--analyze_lengths LENGTHS, --lengths LENGTHS, -l LENGTHS
Value must be some statistic out of 'min', 'max',
'average', 'median'.
--street_type TYPE, --type TYPE, -t TYPE
Which street type to analyze.
--plot, -p With this option, all streets (or all of the given
type) will be plotted to file.
--dpi DPI If --plot is used: Which resolution to use for png image output.
--oneway_quota, --oneway, -o
With this option, the oneway_quota of all streets (or
of all streets of the given type) will be printed.
> usage: postal_areas [-h] [--csv_dir CSV_DIR] [--cam_counts]
[--cams_to_area AREA]
> optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--csv_dir CSV_DIR, --csv CSV_DIR, -c CSV_DIR
Specify the csv directory from which the data will be
--cam_counts, --counts, -co
With this option one can print a list a table of
camera counts per postal area.
--cams_to_area AREA, --area AREA, -a AREA
With this option one can print a list of all cameras
for the given postal area.