

app自动化时,各种不期待的弹层弹窗,升级广告等时有飞出,由于弹窗具有不定时,不定页面等很多不确定性。有的弹窗很不友好,不×掉,很难进行下一步操作,造成 测试用例失败。而判断是否有弹窗,弹层很麻烦。 研究一下 appium和手机通信的原理就不难发现,运行appium时推送手机AppiumBootstrap.jar的中,有这么一段代码再listenForever

* The Bootstrap class runs the socket server.
public class Bootstrap extends UiAutomatorTestCase {

 public void testRunServer() {
   Find.params = getParams();
   final boolean disableAndroidWatchers = Boolean.parseBoolean(getParams()
   final boolean acceptSSLCerts = Boolean.parseBoolean(getParams().getString(

   SocketServer server;
   try {
     server = new SocketServer(4724);
     server.listenForever(disableAndroidWatchers, acceptSSLCerts);
   } catch (final SocketServerException e) {


那么我们可以利用这个长监听干点点掉弹窗的事儿会不会很爽弹窗一弹出就把他点掉点掉点掉其实在UiWatchers.java中作者已经写了很多UI监听了贴一小段代码public class UiWatchers {
 private static final String LOG_TAG = UiWatchers.class.getSimpleName();
 private final List<String>  mErrors = new ArrayList<String>();

  * We can use the UiDevice registerWatcher to register a small script to be
  * executed when the framework is waiting for a control to appear. Waiting may
  * be the cause of an unexpected dialog on the screen and it is the time when
  * the framework runs the registered watchers. This is a sample watcher
  * looking for ANR and crashes. it closes it and moves on. You should create
  * your own watchers and handle error logging properly for your type of tests.
 public void registerAnrAndCrashWatchers() {

   UiDevice.getInstance().registerWatcher("ANR", new UiWatcher() {
     public boolean checkForCondition() {
       UiObject window = new UiObject(new UiSelector()
       String errorText = null;
       if (window.exists()) {
         try {
           errorText = window.getText();
         } catch (UiObjectNotFoundException e) {
           Log.e(LOG_TAG, "dialog gone?", e);
         return true; // triggered
       return false; // no trigger

 public void registerMyPopupWatcher() {
       UiDevice.getInstance().registerWatcher("myPopup", new UiWatcher() {
         public boolean checkForCondition() {

     		UiObject ggPop = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId("com.gift.android:id/close_view"));
     		UiObject addChgPop = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId("com.gift.android:id/bt_cancel"));
     		UiObject upPop = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId("com.gift.android:id/close"));

     		if (upPop.exists()) {
     			System.out.println("you have a updateApp popup window");
     			try {
     				return true; // triggered
     			} catch (UiObjectNotFoundException e) {
     				Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Exception", e);
     		}else if (ggPop.exists()) {
     			System.out.println("you have a popup window");
     			try {
     				return true; // triggered
     			} catch (UiObjectNotFoundException e) {
     				Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Exception", e);
     		}else if (addChgPop.exists()) {
     			System.out.println("you have a change site popup window");
     			try {
     				return true; // triggered
     			} catch (UiObjectNotFoundException e) {
     				Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Exception", e);
           return false; // no trigger

       Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Registered myPopupPopup Watchers");