
Demo for Secret Zero solution for Vault

Primary LanguageShellGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Secret zero with HashiCorp Vault PKI engine and Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol

This repository contains instructions to demonstrate issuing TLS client certificates as secret zero using[1] HashiCorp Vault's PKI engine and its Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol [2] capability.

For a comprehensive description see our blog post.

[1] HashiCorp Demo "Vault Response Wrapping Makes The 'Secret Zero' Challenge A Piece Of Cake"
[2] HashiCorp Blog post "What is ACME PKI?"

Container setup

Container Name Container/host port mapping Description
acme The ACME container is used for requesting certificates and logging into vault
vault server 8200 -> 8200 The HashiCorp Vault server is run as a dedicated single-node container with TLS enabled

Quick Walktrough

the Quick Guide


To start the containers: This will start a Vault server and a container for ACME

podman-compose up -d


docker-compose up -d

Vault server engine and authentication method configuration

Set environment variables for Vault server location and credentials

export VAULT_ADDR=
export VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY=1 # This is required because the TLS listener is using a self-signed certificate
export VAULT_TOKEN=root

Enable auditing for debugging purposes

vault audit enable file path=stdout

PKI engine with ACME protocol

Setup a very basic PKI role for issuing client certificates

vault secrets enable -path=pki pki

Ensure cluster-local configuration prerequisites for ACME

vault write pki/config/cluster \
   path=https://vault-server:8200/v1/pki \

Enable ACME headers

vault secrets tune \
 -passthrough-request-headers=If-Modified-Since \
 -allowed-response-headers=Last-Modified \
 -allowed-response-headers=Location \
 -allowed-response-headers=Replay-Nonce \
 -allowed-response-headers=Link \

Enable ACME and allow to request ClientAuth extended key usage

vault write pki/config/acme \
 enabled=true \

Create internal CA and role to issue client certitificates in the dns.podman network

vault write -format=json pki/root/generate/internal common_name=dns.podman ttl=768h | jq -r '.data.issuing_ca' > ca-cert.pem

Add a role to issue client certs:

Deliberately choose low ttl for the certificate

vault write pki/roles/dns-podman allow_bare_domains=true max_ttl=60m ttl=30m \
  client_flag=true \
  server_flag=false \

Enable cert auth method

Setup basic Cert auth role dns-podman which allows clients with with TLS client certificates signed by CA to authenticate

vault auth enable cert
vault write auth/cert/certs/dns-podman certificate=@ca-cert.pem allowed_common_names="*.dns.podman" token_ttl=15m token_max_ttl=30m token_period=15m

Provisioning of a host eligible to request a client certificate

Setup basic Cert auth role dns-podman to authenticate clients in the dns.podman domain

vault patch pki/roles/dns-podman allowed_domains=acme.dns.podman

Activate KV Secrets Engine and provision secrets and policies

Policy to read and write passwords for path secret/data/acme_demo_a

echo '
path "kv-v2/data/acme_demo_a/*" {
  capabilities = ["read"]
' | vault policy write acme_demo_a_read -

Activate kv2 secrets engine and store secrets at 2 different paths

vault secrets enable kv-v2
vault kv put kv-v2/acme_demo_a/test key=you_should_see_this
vault kv put kv-v2/acme_demo_b/test key=you_cant_see_this

Create Alias and Entity

Read authentication method accessor for alias creation

vault auth list -format=json | jq -r '.["cert/"].accessor' > acme.txt

Create entity with connected policy and store the entitiy_id

vault write -format=json identity/entity name="acme.dns.podman" policies="acme_demo_a_read" | jq -r ".data.id" > entity_id.txt

Create alias with entity_id and auth_accessor

vault write identity/entity-alias name="acme.dns.podman" canonical_id=$(cat entity_id.txt) mount_accessor=$(cat acme.txt)

ACME Instructions

Use the shell of the acme pod

podman exec -it acme /bin/sh

create acme.sh account (optional if not enforced by vault)

acme.sh --register-account -m my@dns.podman

acme.sh request with automatic CSR

acme.sh --server https://vault-server:8200/v1/pki/roles/dns-podman/acme/directory \
  --insecure \
  --standalone --issue -d acme.dns.podman \
  -k 2048

Authenticate against Vault and save the token

    curl \
    --insecure \
    --request POST \
    --cacert /acme.sh/acme.dns.podman/ca.cer \
    --cert /acme.sh/acme.dns.podman/acme.dns.podman.cer \
    --key /acme.sh/acme.dns.podman/acme.dns.podman.key \
    https://vault-server:8200/v1/auth/cert/login | jq -r '.auth.client_token' > token.txt

Request secret "acme_demo_a/test" which should work

curl -k -X GET -H "X-Vault-Token: $(cat token.txt)" https://vault-server:8200/v1/kv-v2/data/acme_demo_a/test | jq -r

Example output:

  "request_id": "dcf01663-556c-7e7d-c041-105173f25070",
  "lease_id": "",
  "renewable": false,
  "lease_duration": 0,
  "data": {
    "data": {
      "key": "you_should_see_this"
    "metadata": {
      "created_time": "2024-01-17T08:32:48.188878092Z",
      "custom_metadata": null,
      "deletion_time": "",
      "destroyed": false,
      "version": 1
  "wrap_info": null,
  "warnings": null,
  "auth": null

Request secret "acme_demo_b/test" which shouldn't work as the policy doesn't allow this

curl -k -X GET -H "X-Vault-Token: $(cat token.txt)" https://vault-server:8200/v1/kv-v2/data/acme_demo_b/test | jq -r

Example output:

  "errors": [
    "1 error occurred:\n\t* permission denied\n\n"

Cleaning up

podman-compose down


docker-compose down