
This is an Android Course that I think that can be used to get you up to speed with Android Development. This is a work in progress and will most likely change as time goes on.

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Android Course Plan

This is an Android Course that I think that can be used to get you up to speed with Android Development. This is a work in progress and will most likely change as time goes on.

Module 0:

Git Basics

What is git?

What is a Reposoity?

How do you commit?

What is a branch?


What is Github?

How do you create a Github account.

What is a Reposoity?

IDE Basics

What is an IDE?

What IDE will we be using?

What is an Emulator?

Module 1:

Kotlin Basics

What is Kotlin?

Variables and Lists

What are the Different basic types used in Kotlin?

What is a list and array?


What is an if else statement?

What is a when statement?


What is a loop?

What are the different kind of loops you can do in kotlin?

What is a for loop?

What is a While loop?


What is a class?

What is a data class?

Module 2:

Android Basics

What is android?


What is an Activity?

What is a Fragment?

What is a Service?


What is an Intent?

What is a Bundle?

Views and Layouts

What is a Layout?

What different kinds of Layouts are there?

What is a View?

What different kinds of View?

How to build a UI using xml layouts?

Module 3

List Views

What is a RecyclerView?

What is a LayoutManager and what is it used for?

What is an Adapter and How is it used to fill data in a ?

Bonus How to use DiffUtil and ListAdpater to be more efficient?

Module 4

Networking using an api.

What is a HttpClient?

How to make a get call?

What is Retrofit?

What is Picasso / Glide / Coil / Fresco?

Module 5


What is a co-routine?

What is a Dispatcher?

What is a launch call?

What is the async?

Module 5


What is a ViewModel?

What is LiveData?

What is StateFlow?

What is a SharedFlow?

Module 5

Create an App using the DogApi.

  1. Create a Screen what has a list of images. (Single List or Grid) a. Use a networking library to make a call to the dog ceo api to get a list of dogs. b. Take that list of dogs and present them on the screen. c. When a user clicks on an image open that image to its on screen.

Helpful links.

  • d.android.com

Jetpack libraries


ImageLoading Libraries

Dog Ceo