Neural Network Team

This is the home repo for the Neural Network team.

Team Members

Adam Stafford, Tianhao Zang


To explore the implementation of nucleotide data into a neural network.

To do

Priority Items

  • Make subsets of sequences to do diagnostics on
  • Diagnostics: Build nueral network and run
    • try a few different architectures, no more than three layers
    • assess time on different number of subsets, quantify and visualize
    • assess memory on different number of subsets, quantify and visualize


  • Explore other options for data structuring of nucleotide data beyond one hot encoding
    • read section 2.2 in Deep Learning in Python
    • Make notes on what you are thinking and upload to
  • Identify network Architecture, which layers?
    • What sort of layers and in which confirmation are we going to use?
  • Get data into one hot encoding format
    • classification 1: binary (presence or absence of GAL4 signal)
    • classification 2: classification of stage of signal

The data

The data is located on Google Drive. Please use data/3.species_24_only_07March2018

Key points to keep in mind

  • Structual organization of nucleotide input must be upheld.


Main Language: Python Implementation: TensorFlow, Keras

Data Management