
a guide to tell you how to install Dolby Atmos on any Linux distribution

Linux Dolby Atmos

a guide to enable Dolby Atmos on linux.


i. Downloading Effect

First lets get our DolbyAtmosEffect.irs file.

you can download it by cloning the repo https://github.com/adgsenpai/LinuxDolbyAtmos


you can download the raw file only https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adgsenpai/LinuxDolbyAtmos/main/DolbyAtmosEffect.irs

ii. Downloading Pulse Effects now called Easy Effects.

Installing Pulse Effects


a) Easy Way

go to https://pkgs.org/download/pulseeffects

Select your distro and then download and install the PulseEffect package for your distro.

b) Complex Way

go to https://github.com/wwmm/easyeffects and compile from source.

this wiki will help you with the complex way


iii. Configuring Pulse Effects with the plugin file

  • Launch the PulseEffects App

First thing you are going to do is allow the service to run when system boots you can do this in the settings by clicking on the hamburger icon as illustrated by this photo.


Enable the Dolby Atmos Effect

on the left menu you see Applications or Limiter thats the menu im talking about. Scroll down until you see the Convolver Effect once there

You will see this screen


now click on the wave icon and import your effect to the directory of DolbyAtmosEffect.irs and apply it then disable and enable Convolver

This image will help you out


Enjoy Dolby Atmos for Linux :-)