
NiceHash API for Python

Primary LanguagePython


NiceHash Python Library and Command Line Rest API

Requirements / Modules

pip install requests

Required data and where to get it

Following data is needed:

you can get information here https://www.nicehash.com/my/settings/keys for API keys/tokens


pip install nicehash

Library usage

Nicehash library is contained in file nicehash.py. Api is divided in two part: public and private. In this demo we use nicehash from pip

Code snipplet for public api

from nicehash import nicehash as nh

host = 'https://api2.nicehash.com'

public_api = nh.public_api(host)

buy_info = public_api.buy_info()

Code snipplet for private api

from nicehash import nicehash as nh

host = 'https://api2.nicehash.com'
organisation_id = 'Enter your organisation id'
key = 'Enter your api key'
secret = 'Enter your secret for api key' 

private_api = nh.private_api(host, organisation_id, key, secret)

my_accounts = private_api.get_accounts()

Usage of other api calls are shown in test_bot.py

Command line usage

nicehash.py can be used as commad line tools

To get help run:

python nicehash.py -h


Usage: nicehash.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BASE, --base_url=BASE
                        Api base url
  -o ORG, --organization_id=ORG
                        Organization id
  -k KEY, --key=KEY     Api key
  -s SECRET, --secret=SECRET
                        Secret for api key
  -m METHOD, --method=METHOD
                        Method for request
  -p PATH, --path=PATH  Path for request
  -q PARAMS, --params=PARAMS
                        Parameters for request
  -d BODY, --body=BODY  Body for request

Example usage:

python nicehash.py -b https://api2.nicehash.com -o ca5622bd-bc32-451b-90a4-e9ae1088bade -k 85512ceb-4f37-426e-9fb4-929af9134ed1 -s 11260065-37f9-4875-bbdd-52a59ce7775de2c0596c-5c87-4739-bb60-b3f547612aed -m GET -p /main/api/v2/accounting/accounts/

Remastered by Ashlin Darius Govindasamy into PyPi NiceHash PyPi module