
Create a simple ssh vpn tunnel

Primary LanguageC


This program, runs a vpn like proxy on port 1080 on the client system using ssh in LINUX.


If you are on any debian based repos, just Download the package from the releases and install it.

otherwise, build it yourself. i don't know!

How to use

Running the vpn

assume you want to connect to a vpn or server with this information:

  • Host: sub.host.com
  • UserName: user
  • port: 4512
  • Optional tunnel IP target (for example if you want to run the proxy tunnel on an IP except

so you can run this command:

sshvpn user@sub.host.com:4512:

note : if you leave the last ip address not assigned, proxy will run on like this:

sshvpn user@sub.host.com:22

Stopping the vpn

Just pass the kill argument:

sshvpn kill

Get ssh process id

I also added an option, in case you want to know the process id that the ssh vpn is running on, And you don't have the patience to run ps aux... :

sshvpn pid

It prints something like this: SSH process ID: 59526


just edit that main.c file.


I don't know anything about this political stuff, feel free to use or change or anything you want.

Also you can modify the program to make it better, i will be happy merging your works :)