
Sends you a motivational text every morning using affirmations.dev

Primary LanguagePython

Motivation Test

This is made to send you a motivational text in the morning. It uses the affirmations api.

1. Install dependencies by

pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Get credentials.json from Gmail API, and add to folder

Make sure to set the callback uri to: http://localhost:3000/

Example of 'credentials.json':


3. Configure your settings in utils.py.

phone_number = '5555555555' # your phone number
scheduled_time = '01:20'  # make sure the hour has 2 digits (24-hour standard).
email = 'youremail@gmail.com' # your email
carriers = {
    'att': '@txt.att.net',
    'sprint': '@messaging.sprintpcs.com',
    'tmobile': '@tmomail.net',
    'verizon': '@vtext.com'
} # these are the carrier options for SMS
mac = True # set this flag if you want to send the message with iMessage or not. True for iMessage False for SMS
carrier = carriers['att'] # select your carrier

4. Run script

python main.py