
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Burner App Starter Kit

The Burner App Starter Kit helps you quickly get started building apps for Burner disposable phone numbers. This starter kit is a fork of React Starter Kit, meaning it's built on a React/Express/Node stack.

Table of Contents

Getting Started


  • Mac OS X, Windows, or Linux
  • Node.js v6.5 or newer
  • npm v3.10 or newer (new to npm?)
  • node-gyp prerequisites mentioned here
  • PostgreSQL v9.4 or newer
  • Text editor or IDE pre-configured with React/JSX/Flow/ESlint (learn more)


1. Get the latest version

You can start by cloning the latest version of Burner App Starter Kit (BASK) on your local machine by running:

$ git clone -o burner-app-starter-kit -b master --single-branch \
      https://github.com/adhoclabs/burner-app-starter-kit MyApp
$ cd MyApp

2. Run npm install

This will install both run-time project dependencies and developer tools listed in package.json file.

3. Set up database

The app uses Sequelize to store data in a PostgreSQL database. Open psql and run the following command to create a new database:

CREATE DATABASE "burner-app-starter-kit-development";

4. Request Burner OAuth app credentials

If you haven't already, request Burner OAuth credentials for your new app.

5. Configure environment variables

BASK uses node-foreman to manage environment variables. Copy the example .env file to your project:

$ cp .env.example .env

Now open the .env file in your editor and supply the following values indicated below:

  "burner_api": {
    "base_url": "http://api.burnerapp.com",
    "version": "2.1.10"
  // Change the following to configure the database connection. Can be left as-is.
  "database_url": "postgresql://localhost:5432/burner-app-starter-kit-development",
  "oauth": {
    "client_id": "", // The OAuth client ID you received for your new Burner app.
    "client_secret": "", // The OAuth client secret you received.
    "authorize_host": "http://app.burnerapp.com/",
    "callback_url": "http://localhost:3001/auth/burner/callback", 
    "state_secret": "" // The OAuth state secret. (randomkeygen.com)
  "client_url": "http://localhost:3001/",
  "key_encryption_password": "", // The key used to encrypt authorization tokens. (randomkeygen.com)
  "session_secret": "", // The secret used to encrypt session data. (randomkeygen.com)
  "heroku_app_name": "" // If you set up Heroku deployment, set to the name of your app. (optional)

6. Run npm start

Start the development environment by running:

$ npm start

This command will build the app from the source files (/src) into the output /build folder. As soon as the initial build completes, it will start the Node.js server (node build/server.js) and Browsersync with HMR on top of it.

http://localhost:3000/ — Node.js server (build/server.js)
http://localhost:3001/ — BrowserSync proxy with HMR, React Hot Transform
http://localhost:3002/ — BrowserSync control panel (UI)

Now you can open your web app in a browser, on mobile devices and start hacking. Whenever you modify any of the source files inside the /src folder, the module bundler (Webpack) will recompile the app on the fly and refresh all the connected browsers.

Note that the npm dev command launches the app in development mode, the compiled output files are not optimized and minimized in this case. You can use --release command line argument to check how your app works in release (production) mode:

$ npm start -- --release


The following walkthrough will demonstrate the relevant portions of the code that enable the creation of a Burner app.


Displaying list of Burners

Responding to messages

Deploying to Heroku

1. Click the Deploy to Heroku button

To begin deploying your app to Heroku, click the button below and follow the prompts to create a new Heroku app:


This will create a base app for you based on the code in this repository. The deploy should fail, as the purpose of clicking the button was merely to create a new app with the proper settings and resources attached.

2. Set up the proper git remote

Head to the settings page on Heroku for your newly created app, and find the "Git URL" listed there. Run the following command to set up this new app as your staging server for deployment, being sure to substitute your own repo URL:

$ git remote add staging https://git.heroku.com/YOURAPPNAME.git

3. Configure app name in .env

Open the .env file and add your app's Heroku name as heroku_app_name.

3. Run npm run deploy

Run the following command to build and then deploy your app to Heroku:

$ npm run deploy

You can now text a message to any of your authorized Burners. It should respond with a reversed version of your message.

Staying up to date

If you need to keep your project up to date with the recent changes made to BASK, you can always fetch and merge them from this repo back into your own project by running:

$ git checkout master
$ git fetch burner-app-starter-kit
$ git merge burner-app-starter-kit/master
$ npm install

More Resources