
A framework for evaluating scala skill



Use a web microservice framework of your choosing to produce a service that proxies gif requests to Giphy. A GET call will need to identify a user and a query to retrieve a random gif from giphy's API. The service will cache this result and not return the same gif for the same query again. A seperate POST will clear the cache for a unique user so that the gif can be returned again.

This is a take home eval but should only take a few hours. If you're interested, stretch to using a file based RDBMS and akka. If you're uncomfortable doing this, I recommmend hitting the requirments 100% rather than attempt areas you may be weak in. Please unit and mock test both commands fully.


  • Use sbt build a web microservice.
  • Add a GET that will search giphy (https://developers.giphy.com) for a query and return random image.
    • Json response { url: URL, desc: String }
  • Add a POST to reset cache for a unique user.
    • Json response { itemsCleared: Int }
  • Store images in a cache for each unique user.
  • Only return images that haven't been seen before.
  • Use Futures.
  • Tests and mock tests using framework of your choice.


  • Use a file RDBMS as persistent cache (like sqlite or h2)
  • Akka


Please submit a zip that can be executed with sbt run.