
  1. Switch to gateway directory
$ yo jhipster
  1. Starting Eureka/JHipster Registry

a. Switch to gateway/src/main/docker

$ docker-compose -f jhipster-registry.yml up
  1. Switch to BrandProducts directory & Create the API CRUD operations using Entities

a. Create jhipster API basic Scaffolding - generates source code only

$ yo jhipster

b. Create source code only for all the entities

$ yo jhipster:entity Brand &&  yo jhipster:entity Product &&  yo jhipster:entity Category &&  yo jhipster:entity Subcategory

c. Compile & Start the api server

$ ./gradlew
  1. Switch to Gateway & Create the HTML & Angular files using Entities
$ yo jhipster:entity Brand &&  yo jhipster:entity Product &&  yo jhipster:entity Category &&  yo jhipster:entity Subcategory
$ ./gradlew
  1. Visulaise the Entity Model using JDL-Studio

a. Browse to

b. Paste the contents of jhipster.jdl on the studio

mutt dark