System Health

This app monitors the main metrics of your iOS device (CPU, RAM, Battery).


  • Xcode 11 / iOS 13

What it does

  • Monitor CPU, RAM and Battery and display their current state.
  • Allows user to define thresholds in the settings. A notification will be posted if the metric goes over this threshold. User can also be notified when it comes back below this threshold.
  • Monitoring and notifications should also occur if the app is in background.

Technical notes

  • Context is the object that holds the different monitors and stores. It is passed between view controllers through their initializers.
  • Alert objects are stored in Core Data, which allows a fast fetch of the most recent alerts to display in DashboardVC


  • Improvements can be done in Context to factorize and simplify the observation pattern. NotificationCenter implémentation was interesting at first because I needed to observe the status in multiple places but with the current implementation a Delegate pattern would probably be better.
  • Monitor objects holds an history of all tracked values. While this is barely used for now, it could be used to draw a graph of the CPU/RAM/Battery usage over time.
  • SettingsStore uses UserDefaults which is fine but it is based on "cpu" or "ram" variables, which is should be improved with an enum.
  • Background monitoring doesn’t seem to work very efficiently. There is a new BackgroundTask framework in iOS 13 that may be useful but I did not try it yet.
  • The app use a basic MVC pattern (except the DashboardHeaderView which uses a View Model). If this app was meant to be larger, I would have used an MVVM architecture.