
Primary LanguageOCaml

Little model finder for much simplified iota formulas

Comparison to iota

No quantifiers. Only have presence/absence of nodes (no links, parents, labels).


./run sim [test] to compile&execute the program. No arguments gives an interactive mode, "test" shows some interesting test formulas.

The models given by the program respect:

  • Minimality w.r.t. actions
  • Non-Asimov implication (=>)

About the implication =>

An implication F ⇒ G classically means: F is false or G is true.

Here, it (informally) means that :

  • if F is false, iota does nothing
  • if F is true,
    • iota is allowed to add actions that make G true
    • if G can't become true by adding actions, iota is NOT allowed to add actions that make F false.

The still informal but less so definition is as follows:

Given a formula F, we write F[g,α] for: The graph g and actions α satisfy F. Now iota accepts a model (g,α) of F iff (g,α) satisfies the formula

F[g,α] ∧ (¬∃ β<α. F{α,β})

where < is the action order, and

a {α,β}      = a[g,β] for any atom a
~F {α,β}     = not (F{α,β})
F ∧ G {α,β}  = F{α,β} and F{α,β}
F ∨ G {α,β}  = F{α,β} or F{α,β}
F ⇒ G {α,β} = if F[g,α] and F[g,β] then G{α,β}

Note: this turns out to be a slight generalisation of what's known as the FLP semantics.

Usage example and tutorial

~/miniota$ ./run sim

The interactive mode starts with a prompt. Miniota expects some constraints and possibly some preconditions, given as quantifier-free formulas. For instance, ~a ^ ~b # (~a => b) contains preconditions and constraints, separated by # with preconditions on the left.


a means a is initially present, while ~a means a is initially absent. The preconditions can be omitted together with #, in which case we assume that the precondition is just "true".


On the right of #, we give constraints. By default, atoms (a, b, etc) refer to nodes in the postcondition, so a means a is eventually present.

You can reference the status of a node in the precondition by prepending the character ', e.g. 'a ^ c => b means If a is initially present and c is eventually present, then b is eventually present.

Quoted atoms ('a, 'b, etc) cannot be used in the precondition (i.e. before #)

Example run

~/miniota$ ./run sim
> ~a ^ ~b # (~a => b)
  Pre   : (~a ^ ~b)
  Constr: (~a => b)

  a   b  #   actions
  ~a ~b  #  +b

In the example above, the precondition is: Neither a nor b are initially present. The constraint is: If a is not eventually present, then b is.

The first 2 lines in the response restate the preconditions and constraints as understood by the parser.

Then all possible models are given.

On the left of #, we have the preconditions. An atom in green means the atom is present; in red means the atom is absent.

If the atom is not printed on the line, that means its presence does not matter.

On the right of #, the actions are given. +a means add a, -a means remove a.

In the example above, the special meaning of => only leaves one option: add b. Compare to

> ~a ^ ~b # (a v b)
  Pre   : (~a ^ ~b)
  Constr: (a v b)

  a b  #   actions
  a b  #  +a
  a b  #  +b

Usually, ~a => b is logically equivalent to a v b, but here it isn't: the a v b case allows us to add a, while in the case of ~a => b, +a isn't allowed since this would be adding an action just to make ~a false.