
Web server that does text to image and LOra model finetuning

Primary LanguagePython


Web server that does text to image and LOra model finetuning API design : This project contains 2 API’s

  1. Get
  2. Post The @app.get API is requested when the http://localhost:8000 receives an incoming request for connection . It returns a simple html Form which is used to get image generation parameters from the user . The parameters collected are modelid:str total_nm_img_prompt:int negative_prompt:Optional[str] text_prompt:str inference_steps:int guidance_scale:float strength:float manual_seed:int lora_hugging_face_1:Optional[str]---->this is the link or path to the lora model weight_name_1:Optional[str]----------->name of the lora weight If its named anything Other than the default Value LORA_WEIGHT_NAME = "pytorch_lora_weights.bin" LORA_WEIGHT_NAME_SAFE="pytorch_lora_weights.safetensors" weight_name_2:Optional[str] lora_hugging_face_2:Optional[str] cross_attention_kwargs:Optional[float]=1.0 On submitting the form a post method , another api called @app.post(“/submit”) is triggered which collects all the data passed to the html from the user
  3. API for image generation is “@app.post("/submit",response_class=FileResponse)” On submitting the form the api with the path parameters (“/submit”) will be called . The process of image generation is divided into 2 function calls . generate_without_lora ||| |—----------------|-------------------| | 1 create pipe | | 2 create image | || 2 . create_with_lora || |--------------------------|--------------------------------| | 1 create pipe | | 2 incorplora_safetenso | | 2.1load_lora_weights | | 3 create image | |____________| def create_pipe(modelid): pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(modelid,use_safetensors=True) .to("mps") return pipe Creates a stable diffusion pipeline with modelid that is a text to image generation model here which by default is "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5" 2.If the link and and the weight name is provided then pipe.load_lora_weights(lora_model_path,weight_name=weight_name) will be called . My observation has shown that not all the lora models have been given the default name of LORA_WEIGHT_NAME = "pytorch_lora_weights.bin" LORA_WEIGHT_NAME_SAFE = "pytorch_lora_weights.safetensors" def incorplora_safetensor(pipe,lora_model_path,weight_name): print("pipe inside incorplora_safetensors") if weight_name=="null": pipe.load_lora_weights(lora_model_path) else: pipe.load_lora_weights(lora_model_path,weight_name=weight_name) return pipe Insightful rationale behind your design decisions : (html) ( fastapi ) ( uvicorn ) Selection of web framework: It was either fastapi or flask . On doing a small poc on both the frameworks found flask to be time consuming to implement when compared to fastapi as fastapi was direct and easy to implement and also had easier syntax to deal with . Fastapi allows usage of uvicorn which is a asgi server which if needed can permit the usage of parallelism and concurrency and is an upgrade to wsgi. On further research comparing the fastapi and flask , the project I intended to do did not have much front end deployment and my finding suggested fast api to be a better use case . Fastapi vs Flask Speed : fastapi data validation : fastapi Ease of use and learning curve: fastapi Simplicity : fastapi Have used asynchronous functions like async def and await . @app.post("/submit", response_class=FileResponse) async def submit(modelid:str=Form("runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5") ,text_prompt:str=Form(...),total_nm_img_prompt:int=Form(1), inference_steps:int=Form(30), guidance_scale:float=Form(7.5),manual_seed:int=Form(...),negative_pro mpt:Optional[str]=Form(None), strength:float=Form(1.0),lora_hugging_face_1:Optional[str]=Form("null ") ,lora_hugging_face_2:Optional[str]=Form("null"), weight_name_2:Optional[str]=Form("null"),weight_name_1:Optional[str]= Form("null") ,cross_attention_kwargs:Optional[float]=Form(1) ): model_data.modelid=modelid model_data.total_nm_img_prompt=total_nm_img_prompt model_data.negative_prompt=negative_prompt if negative_prompt=="null": model_data.negative_prompt="" else : model_data.negative_prompt = negative_prompt model_data.text_prompt=text_prompt model_data.inference_steps=inference_steps model_data.guidance_scale=guidance_scale model_data.strength=strength model_data.manual_seed=manual_seed model_data.lora_hugging_face_1=lora_hugging_face_1 model_data.lora_hugging_face_2=lora_hugging_face_2 model_data.weight_name_1=weight_name_1 model_data.weight_name_2=weight_name_2 model_data.cross_attention_kwargs=cross_attention_kwargs images=0 if model_data.lora_hugging_face_1=="null" and model_data.lora_hugging_face_2=="null": print("entering generate_without_lora") images=await generate_without_lora(model_data) print("image address returned") return images else: print("entering create_with_lora\n\n ") images=await create_with_lora(model_data) print("out of create_with_lora\n\n ") while(images==0): print("print check images for 0") return images

if name=="main":


Computation So the await keyword frees the server to execute other tasks , although in my code i dont have lot of other tasks if i have not used multiple workers to handle requests . When multiple workers are used they handle multiple requests which can be computed at the same time without any memory accessing issues .