
Upscale Manga with Lambda Labs GPUs

Lambda Manga

This is a tutorial for upscaling manga using lambda labs GPUs.
  • First create an account on lambda labs webpage

  • Start a new instance (a10 is more than enough power for what we need)

  • Either create a new ssh key or use an existing one

    • If created new one, save the file somewhere so we can use it later and run:
       chmod 600 <YOUR_KEY>.pem
  • ssh onto your ubuntu with the command provided by lambda labs

     ssh -i <YOUR_KEY.pem> ubuntu@<YOUR_IP>
  • Install gdown to clone the esrgan repository

     pip install gdown;
     gdown --folder "https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tzDPDQhfW6MOsYs0h0kxJaE6lR77anSr?usp=sharing"
  • Back on your computer, copy your input files to the lambda lab server (NAME YOUR FOLDER input)

     scp -i <YOUR_KEY>.pem "<YOUR_INPUT_FOLDER>" ubuntu@<YOUR_IP>:~/esrgan
  • Now ssh back on to your lambda labs server and run the following command:

     cd esrgan; 
     pip install -r requirements.txt; 
     python upscale.py models/4x_eula_digimanga_bw_v2_nc1_307k.pth
  • Finally, going back onto your local computer, copy the files back to your local

scp -i <YOUR_KEY>.pem "ubuntu@<YOUR_IP>:~/esrgan/output" "$(pwd)"