
This is a solved solution for the Consensus backend position assignment.

Working features:

  • CRUD operations on users, lists and list entries;
  • Swagger documentation for the microservices;
  • User post route test;
  • SMS notifications for list subscribed users;
  • Ocelot API gateway configured for the microservices;
  • Docker support for the microservices;

The solution contains the following projects:

  • ApiGateway -> The Ocelot API gateway configuration;
  • DataRepository -> The EF Core base database context, controllers database contexts and data models;
  • NotificationsService -> The service responsible for the SMS notifications;
  • TodosService -> The service responsible for the CRUD and the subscription logic;

Used Frameworks and languages

  • ASP.NET Core (v3.1);
  • Entity Framework Core;
  • Swagger;
  • Serilog;
  • Ocelot API Gateway;
  • PostgreSQL

How to use

With docker:

  • Run docker-compose build
  • Run docker up

Without docker:

  • Install PostgreSQL and adjust the connection string within the appsetings.json from the TodosService project
  • Run the ApiGateway, NotificationsService and TodosService projects;

Improvements and refactoring

The solution would benefit a lot from the following actions:

  • Extend the Serilog within all the projects within the solution;
  • Implement scoped database contexts according to the models within the controllers;
  • Store all the sensitive tokens in a secure way (Maybe secure vaults);
  • Refactor and extend the response mechanisms for the endpoints;