To quickly create a new project from this boilerplate, clone the repository and replace all instances of adiachenko/go-scaffold with the name of your package. Then, replace remaining instances of go-scaffold with the name of your binary.

Design Philosophy

This boilerplate is heavily inspired by Package Oriented Design, namely in how most logic goes into internal/ folder and the way imports are managed within that folder.


Packages that provide support for the different features the project owns (CRUD, services or business logic):

  • CAN import packages from internal/platform
  • CANNOT import packages from parent directories.
  • CANNOT import other packages at the same level.
  • NOT allowed to panic an application
  • NOT allowed to stop execution due to an error
  • Minority of handling errors happen here. You're encouraged to wrap errors with context and return it to the caller


Packages that provide internal foundational support for the project (database, messaging, various helpers etc.)

  • CAN import other packages from internal/platform/
  • CANNOT import packages from parent directories.
  • NOT allowed to panic an application.
  • NOT allowed to wrap errors.
  • Return only root cause error values

General Tips

  • Question imports for the sake of sharing existing types (constants, data structures etc. should be scoped to a package)
  • Question imports to others packages at the same level.
  • If a package wants to import another package at the same level:
    • Question the current design choices of these packages.
    • If reasonable, move the package inside the source tree for the package that wants to import it.
    • Use the source tree to show the dependency relationships.

Quick Start

Run the following command to setup your project:

cp .env.example .env
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec app go mod download

Start serving HTTP requests:

docker-compose exec app go run main.go serve

Build a binary for release:

docker-compose exec app go mod tidy
docker-compose exec app go build

Editor Configuration

IntelliJ Settings:

  1. Navigate to Languages & Frameworks → Go → Go Modules (vgo) and ensure you have checked "Enable Go Modules (vgo)" integration
  2. Navigate to Languages & Frameworks → Go → GOPATH and add .go folder to the list of project GOPATHs.
  3. Navigate to Tools → File Watchers and add go fmt configuration to your project.

Project Dependencies

Make sure to give a cursory glance at the following packages' documentation:

Console Commands

All functionality that this application provides including http server is executed via a command line interface using Cobra. You can install Cobra on your host machine for easier scaffolding of new commands:

go get

You can generate new console commands as demonstrated below:

cobra add serve
cobra add config
cobra add create -p 'configCmd'


Add new handler functions to routes/handlers package

Error Reporting

If you're calling errors.New(msg) to create your own errors, make sure to declare them at the top of the file like in the example below (notice how each name starts with Err):

package mypkg

var (
  ErrOperationIsNotAllowed = errors.New("operation not allowed")

The caller can later check these errors like so:

errors.Is(err, mypkg.ErrOperationIsNotAllowed)

You can annotate any errors that you receive with a message, preserving original stack trace using fmt.Errorf (make sure to use %w for variable substitution, else the caller won't be able to check the type of the error):

fmt.Errorf("operation failed: %w", err)

You should only wrap errors in internal packages. However, you must not wrap errors in internal/platform directory (return the original error instead).


Queue Producer

// Available types: TopicMessage, FanoutMessage, DirectMessage
msg := rabbitmq.TopicMessage(
  body, // json body of the message

if err := rabbitmq.Produce(msg); err != nil {
  return err

Queue Subscriber

err := rabbitmq.Subscribe(rabbitmq.Subscriber{
  ExchangeName: "example-exchange",
  ExchangeType: rabbitmq.ExchangeTopic,
  QueueName:    "example-queue-name",
  BindingKeys: []string{
  Handler: func(delivery *amqp.Delivery) {
    // Unserialize payload into a struct and pass it to a package from /internal dir for processing...
    if err := internalpkg.DoSomething(payload); err != nil {
      rabbitmq.ProcessError(delivery, err)
    } else {


if err != nil {

Queue subsriber is to be created in a dedicated console command (each subscriber gets its own command).