
A simple demo of a currency converter application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Exchange Rate Application Demo

A simple demo of a currency converter application

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Hard coded simplest example

  • angular.js script
  • ng-app
  • ng-model
  • ng-bind ( {{}} )
  • expressions and filters
<body ng-app>

  Pounds: <input ng-model="from">
  Euros: <span ng-bind="from * 1.953 | number : 2"></span>

  <script src="../lib/angular/angular.js"></script>


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Styled and currency choice

  • bootstrap CSS
  • select directive with static options
<select id="fromCurrency" ng-model="fromCurrency" class="span3">
  <option value="0.661062">British Pound Sterling</option>
  <option value="0.774538">Euro</option>

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Code behind and tests

  • app.js – application code
  • ng-app=”app”
  • ng-controller=”AppController”
  • injecting $scope
  • ng-options – label is currency.name, value is currency
  • test calcCurrency() independently from view
    • load “app” module
    • instantiate controller
    • mock up scope values
angular.module('app', []).controller('AppController', function($scope) {

  $scope.currencies = [
    { name: 'British Pound Sterling', value: 0.661062 },
    { name: 'Euro', value: 0.774538 }
  $scope.fromCurrency = $scope.currencies[0];
  $scope.toCurrency = $scope.currencies[1];

  $scope.calcCurrency = function() {
    return $scope.fromVal / $scope.fromCurrency.value * $scope.toCurrency.value;


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HTTP requests and testing asynch methods

  • injecting $http and numberFilter
  • using promises ($q)
  • using filter in controller
  • mocking $httpBackend requests
    • expectGET() & respond()
    • flush()
    • verify…
.controller('AppController', function($scope, $http, numberFilter) {
$http.get(openExchangeRatesUrl + 'currencies.json' + apiKey).then(function(response) {
  $scope.currencyNames = response.data;
$scope.getCurrencyLabel = function(code, value) {
  return $scope.currencyNames[code] + " (" + numberFilter(value, 2) + " / USD)";

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  • constants
  • creating services via factory()
  • waiting for both promises - $q.all()
  • testing service independently of controller
  • mocking service in controller tests
.factory('getRateInfo', [
  // Injection annotation to cope with minification changing parameter names
  'apiKey', 'openExchangeRatesUrl', '$http',
    function(apiKey, openExchangeRatesUrl, $http) {
      return function(type) {
        return $http.get(openExchangeRatesUrl + type + '.json' + apiKey).then(function (response) {
          return response.data;
$q.all([namesPromise, ratesPromise]).then(function(responses) {
  $scope.currencyNames = responses[0];
  $scope.currencyValues = responses[1].rates;

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Custom directives and better structure

  • module dependencies
  • providers and config blocks (getRateInfoProvider)
  • custom decimal-places directive
  • AngularUI bootstrap – typeahead directive
  • restructure data for typeahead directive
  • two way currency conversion
  typeahead="currency as currency.label for currency in currencies | filter : $viewValue"
  placeholder="Please Enter a Currency..."