
A yEd graph file generator written in Java

Primary LanguageJava

Java yEd

This is a yEd graph file generator written in Java. It allows to create:

  • Nodes with labels
  • Node types (optional)
  • Directed edges between two nodes
  • Edge labels (optional)
  • Edge types (optional)

jEd example

Code examples

Example code is available in the following files:

Example A

// Set file to write
File file = new File("exampleA.yEd.graphml");
System.out.println("Example file: " + file.getAbsolutePath());

// Create document
YedDoc yedDoc = new YedDoc().initialize();

// Create nodes
String a = yedDoc.createNode("Adrian");
String b = yedDoc.createNode("Benjamin");
String c = yedDoc.createNode("Caesar");

// Create edges
yedDoc.createEdge(a, b);
yedDoc.createEdge(b, c);
yedDoc.createEdge(c, a);

// Write file
Io.write(yedDoc.getDocument(), file);

Example B

// Set file to write
File file = new File("exampleB.yEd.graphml");
System.out.println("Example file: " + file.getAbsolutePath());

// Create and configure a document
YedDoc yedDoc = new YedDoc().initialize();

// Create nodes of different types
int hero = 0;
String s = yedDoc.createNode("Superman", hero);
String b = yedDoc.createNode("Batman", hero);
String h = yedDoc.createNode("Harley Quinn", hero);
int robot = 1;
String r = yedDoc.createNode("Robocob", robot);
String t = yedDoc.createNode("T-1000 ", robot);

// Create edges of different types
int knows = 0;
String knowsLabel = "knows";
yedDoc.createEdge(s, b, knowsLabel, knows);
yedDoc.createEdge(t, s, knowsLabel, knows);
int loves = 1;
String lovesLabel = "loves";
yedDoc.createEdge(s, h, lovesLabel, loves);
yedDoc.createEdge(b, h, lovesLabel, loves);
yedDoc.createEdge(h, t, lovesLabel, loves);
Integer unknown = null;
String unknownLabel = null;
yedDoc.createEdge(r, h, unknownLabel, unknown);

// Write file
Io.write(yedDoc.getDocument(), file);

How to use the yEd Graph Editor

  • Download yEd at https://www.yworks.com/products/yed
  • Open a generated file
  • Click Tools > Fit Node to Label > Ok
  • Click Layout > Organic (e.g.) > Ok
  • At Palette > Current Elements right-click on an element and click Select Matching Elements
  • Customize the elements according to your taste

You can also use yEd Live at https://www.yworks.com/yed-live/


Download the latest release or current code.

Usage of Maven and GitHub Packages

Add the following lines to your pom.xml:

	<!-- https://github.com/adibaba/java-yed -->


		<name>GitHub adibaba java-yed Apache Maven Packages</name>

To use GitHub Packages, you also have to edit your Maven settings.xml and to create a personal access token. A description on how to set up the settings.xml is available at GitHub Help: Configuring Apache Maven for use with GitHub Packages. Token creation is described at GitHub Help: Creating a personal access token for the command line.


  • Remove "-SNAPSHOT" from version
  • Create a tag, e.g. git tag -a 0.0.0 -m "0.0.0"
  • Push the tag: git push --tags
  • Create a release from tags/
  • Run mvn install and attach binaries to the release
  • Create new "-SNAPSHOT" version