DAFNE is a C++ framework for fitting and generation of time-(in)dependent 3-body decays.
It has external dependencies on Hydra, ROOT, Eigen3 and TCLAP. Hydra and ROOT have their own dependencies. Please refer to the instructions provided in the Hydra GitHub repository and on the ROOT website for more information.
DAFNE requires Hydra release 4.0 (or higher). Any recent version of ROOT should work with DAFNE, we recommend to use the latest production version available.
DAFNE is a header-only library. Not installation procedure is required. You can compile all DAFNE's examples by executing the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -D HYDRA_INCLUDE_DIR=<path to hydra> -D TCLAP_INCLUDE_PATH=<path to tclap>/include -D EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=<path to eigen3>/include/eigen3 -D TBB_INCLUDE_DIRS=<path to tbb>/include/ -DTBB_tbb_LIBRARY_RELEASE=<path to tbb>/lib64/libtbb.so ../
make -j 10 # if you have 10 cores available for compilation
The document for installation and work flow can be found here.
The details of the decay amplitude in DAFNE can be found here.