
Managing large monorepos is hard. This makes it easier.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Managing large monorepos is hard. This makes it easier to standardize them.

CircleCI lerna Greenkeeper badge linted with monorepo


yarn add monorepolint


npm install monorepolint


Check for issues

Good for CI.

monorepolint check

or use the shortcut (which i will only use now):

mrl check

Lets see more details

mrl check --verbose

Automatically fix issues

mrl check --fix


For now, look at .monorepolint.config.ts in this repo.


module.exports = {
  checks: {
    ":standard-tsconfig": [
        template: {
          compilerOptions: {
            target: "es5",
            module: "commonjs",
            lib: ["es2015"],
            declaration: true,
            declarationMap: true,
            sourceMap: true,
            outDir: "./build",
            rootDir: "./src",
            composite: true,
            importHelpers: true,
            strict: true,
            noUnusedLocals: true,
            noUnusedParameters: true,
            noImplicitReturns: true,
            noFallthroughCasesInSwitch: true,
            allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true,
            esModuleInterop: true
    ":file-contents": [
        options: "jest.config.js",
        templateFile: "./templates/jest.config.js"
    ":package-script": [
        options: {
          clean: "rm -rf build",
          "compile:typescript": "../../node_modules/.bin/tsc",
            "../../node_modules/.bin/tslint --config ../../tslint.json --project .",
            "../../node_modules/.bin/jest --colors --passWithNoTests --watch",
          test: "../../node_modules/.bin/jest --colors --passWithNoTests"
    ":package-order": [
        options: [
        includeWorkspaceRoot: true
    ":alphabetical-dependencies": {}


Dev Setup

  1. Get in there:

    yarn compile:watch
  2. Edit your files

  3. Test your changes:

    yarn ci
  4. Submit a pull request

Generating changelog

  1. Setup a GH Token

  2. Run this command:

sudo gem install --pre github_changelog_generator
yarn run changelog
  1. Submit a pull request


I added a new package but I can't get it to work with the local monorepo.lint.ts. What?

The way yarn workspaces function, in order to get the right symlinks in node_modules/@monorepolint/whatever you need to run yarn again.