
Select Web Component which wraps ChoicesJS library using StencilJS

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

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ChoicesJS Web Component

Select and multi-select Web Component which transforms ChoicesJS library into a real Web Component.

This component allows the user to select from dropdowns, to browser between multiple options, to add tags to an input, etc.

Play with it on the demo page.

It is built with StencilJS, and written in Typescript and JSX.

Use cases

The purpose of this project is to create a simple Web Component wrapper from the ChoicesJS library.

All the available use cases of the original library can be perform using this Web Component.

For more information read the library documentation.

Requirements and dependencies

[NodeJS and NPM][node] are required to work with the repository.

The library is based on ChoicesJS, but it is not bundle along with the wrapper. It has been defined as part of peerDependencies, therefore it has to be included in your own dependencies.

This dependency can be added to the bundle as external library, or it can just be added to the page via GitHub script:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/choices.js@9.0.1/public/assets/scripts/choices.js"></script>

Installation and running

This component is available via NPM.

npm install choicesjs-stencil

Include the component in your application via HTML script:

<script src="choicesjs-stencil/dist/choicesjsstencil.js"></script>

Use it as a new HTML element in your template:

<choicesjs-stencil values="foo,bar"></choicesjs-stencil>

To be able to work with the component in a form it needs a name:

<form name="form">
  <choicesjs-stencil name="select" values="foo,bar"></choicesjs-stencil>

The component is also available as module to be loaded via module bundler:


Advanced usage

Some of this component properties must be set via JavaScript (non primitive types). As well as properties, the component provides public methods and events (see the library documentation).

<choicesjs-stencil type="single"></choicesjs-stencil>

  var element = document.querySelector('choicesjs-stencil');

  element.choices = [
      value: '',
      label: 'Pick an item...',
      placeholder: true
    }, {
      value: 'foo',
      label: 'Foo'
    }, {
      value: 'bar',
      label: 'Bar'
    }, {
      value: 'qux',
      label: 'Qux'


Framework integration

It is a good decision to create a wrapper of the Web Component to be ready to use by the application framework.

The wrapper has to cover at least:

  • Properties:
    • type: type of selector (see values in configuration section).
    • choices: values to display in the selector.
    • name?: name of the element (recommended).
    • Other Web Component properties can be fixed or set dynamically.
  • Listeners:
    • Changes on choices property to update the values of choices in the Web Component:
    • change event of the Web Component to be able to propagate it.

Example for VueJS framework

// Loading ChoicesJS library and ChoicesJS Stencil Web Component
import 'expose-loader?Choices!choices.js';
import { defineCustomElements } from 'choicesjs-stencil/dist/loader';


// VueJS component
  <choicesjs-stencil class="choicesjs-stencil"

export default {
  props: [ 'type', 'name', 'choices' ],
  watch: {
    choices: {
      immediate: true,
      handler(newChoices, oldChoices) {
        const select = this.$el;

        if (select && oldChoices !== newChoices) {
          select.choices = newChoices;
  mounted() {
    const select = this.$el;

    select.choices = this.choices;
    select.addEventListener('change', () => this.$emit('change'));

Example for ReactJS framework

// Loading ChoicesJS library and ChoicesJS Stencil Web Component
import 'expose-loader?Choices!choices.js';
import { defineCustomElements } from 'choicesjs-stencil/dist/loader';


// ReactJS component
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

export default function ChoicesJSStencil({
  type = 'text',
  choices = [],
}) {
  const choicesElement = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const { current } = choicesElement;
    const _handleChange = handleChange.bind(null, onChange);

    current.choices = choices;
    current.addEventListener('change', _handleChange);

    return () => {
      current.removeEventListener('change', _handleChange);
  }, [ choices ]);

  async function handleChange(callback) {
    const { current } = choicesElement;

      options: await current.getValue(true),
      target: current

  return (
    <choicesjs-stencil class="choicesjs-stencil"
        ref={ choicesElement }
        type={ type }
        name={ name } />


  • type: the type of selector to render, defaults to text. Options: text, single, multiple.
  • items: a list of preselected values for text type select. It must be set via JavaScript.
  • choices: a list of available values for single and multiple type selects. It must be set via JavaScript.

Additionally, more options can be set, check the documentation for further details.

Browser support

Chrome (and all Chrome based browsers), Safari, Firefox and Edge (IE11 is also supported).

Static example

Open index.html file after running npm run build.


To contribute to this project it is necessary to work with NodeJS v8 or later.

Install dependencies:

npm install


Run npm run build to build the minified version (the same as npm run build:min).

Also, if you want to work with the library and have it live built, you can run npm run build:dev which creates a live server ready to be used: http://localhost:3333/.

The example is located in src/index.html.

Dev server

The development server is included:

npm run start

File structure

├── dist/                   (distribution folder)
├── docs/                   (generated documentation)
├── [example]/              (files to use the public demo)
├── src/                    (sources folder)
│  ├── components/          (folder with the different components)
│  │   └── [name]/          (folder for a component)
│  ├── [components.d.ts]    (autogenerated file with types for the components)
│  └── index.html           (dev index)
├── test/                   (test folder)
│   ├── specs/              (test scripts)
│   │   └── TEST-TYPE/
│   └── results/            (test results)
│       └── TEST-TYPE/
├── [www]/                    (autogenerated dev server directory)
├── index.html              (public demo)
├── jest.config.js
├── stencil.config.js
├── tsconfig.json
├── tslint.json
├── package.json
├── README.md
└── ...


Jest is the test tool, it is run via scripts:

  • Tests: npm run test
    • Run by type: npm run test:TYPE
  • Test coverage: npm run test:coverage
    • Run by type: npm run test:coverage:TYPE

Test results found in tests/results/TYPE/coverage folder.

Code linting

  • Lint sources files (TS, TSX): npm run lint


Generate documentation with typedoc: npm run doc

Documentation found in docs folder.



Check the contributor list and you will be welcome if you want to contribute.


Check out the CONTRIBUTING.md to know how to contribute to this project.

License and Software Information

© adidas AG

adidas AG publishes this software and accompanied documentation (if any) subject to the terms of the MIT license with the aim of helping the community with our tools and libraries which we think can be also useful for other people. You will find a copy of the MIT license in the root folder of this package. All rights not explicitly granted to you under the MIT license remain the sole and exclusive property of adidas AG.

NOTICE: The software has been designed solely for the purpose of wrapping the ChoicesJS library as Web Component. The software is NOT designed, tested or verified for productive use whatsoever, nor or for any use related to high risk environments, such as health care, highly or fully autonomous driving, power plants, or other critical infrastructures or services.

If you want to contact adidas regarding the software, you can mail us at opensourcesoftware@adidas.com.

For further information open the [adidas terms and conditions][terms-and-conditions] page.
