
YT clone using Google Youtube-API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

YoutTube Clone

Tech Stack Used -

  • FrontEnd: ReactJs
  • Redux for application state management
  • Styling: SASS (preprocessor scripting language that is compiled into CSS.)
  • Google O authentication with firebase
  • Youtube API V3 for endpoint requests.

react redux firebase

Deployment on firebase.

Functionalities -

User Authentication:

  • Google OAuth firebase

Youtube API V3

  • Youtube home screen where most viewed & popular videos from IN region are beign fetched.

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  • Watchscreen for playing the actual video.

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  • Related videos fetched besides the actual play vid.
  • Channel Subscriptions page of the user.
  • POST comment on the video by actual google user id.
  • Channel Page & videos of that respective channel fetched on that page.

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Lazy loading & skeleton screen

  • Lazy loading is a way to dramatically decreasing initial loading time to clients.
  • Loading only the first 12 cards from the array list & when user scrolls, the other cards load then.
  • Also till the image is loaded completely till that time we show skeleton custom component for better user experience & less initial time which actually increases the web performance of web app when scaled.

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