Tagged Gallery
- Main Gallery to tag / filter / add notes to images.
- Filter by frontmatter criteria and change the meta right in the side panel
- Display blocks to embed images inside notes
- Display block to an image information
Main Gallery
Display blocks
Meta Files and Templates
Context Menu
Tenative Roadmap
Release Notes
- Fixing a bug with alternative tag fields that prevented proper search
- Menu option to open the info panel when the info panel would not open automatically
- Now remembers the last choice on the info panel toggle
- GH#19 allow re-targeting tags field
- GH#20 toggle for opening the info panel on click in the gallery
- Switching from vault.rename to fileManager.renameFile as suggested by chat
- Fixing a bug that caused the app to hang if you closed and reopened the vault with the gallery window already open
- Fixed a bug where you could delete an image but it would still show in searches
- Fixing more bugs with middle and context click
- Fixing bug with leaving the sidebar open and reloading
- gallery resumes state more correctly
- partial support for remote media(only images so far and they don't show in the gallery yet)
This is a continuation of developement from Darakah's obsidian-gallery, found here https://github.com/Darakah/obsidian-gallery