
This project uses a pre-trained transformer-based network (DistilBert) to predict the missing labels. It is done by training a classifier head on the DistilBert's bidirectional word representations. After training, the model should predict the missing label, given its corresponding textual features as the input.

Primary LanguagePython

DistilBert Long Text Classification

Open In Colab

Goal: Predict missing labels from multi-featured textual data.

This project uses a pre-trained transformer-based network (DistilBert) to predict the missing labels. It is done by training a classifier head on the DistilBert's bidirectional word representations. After training, the model should predict the missing label, given its corresponding textual features as the input.
In more detail, to train the classifier, I have split the dataset into two parts, samples without missing features and samples with missing. I have used full samples to do supervised training. As it turned out, the dataset is very limited and disproportional. A total of 1959, from which 734 have missing features (mostly labels). Therefore, there are 1225 training samples, from which 225 I have used to evaluate the model training performance. Out of 1000 left for model training, 1/4 have positive labels, making the training extremely difficult. This made me decide to create two examples out of each positive sample, by treating the "title" and "meta_data" as two separate inputs. Despite the data amendments, the model mostly predicts a negative label ("no") for most of the predictions. More data examples with better proportions should yield more satisfying results.