
ZSH config

Primary LanguageShell

ZSHRC config and aliases are in .zshrc file

Here are some BASH FUNCTIONS for git

function gitpush() {
    git add .
    if [ "$1" != "" ]
        git commit -m "$1"
        print $fg_bold[red] "Oh! you missed to write commit message"
        return 0
    fi # closing statement of if-else block
    git push origin HEAD

You can use this as $ gitpush your-commit-message and it will run following commands in order

git add .
git commit -m your-commit-message
git push origin head
function gitnew() {
    git checkout master
    git pull
    if [ "$1" != "" ]
        git checkout -b "$1"
        print $fg_bold[red] "Oh! you missed to write branch name"
        return 0
    fi # closing statement of if-else block

You can use this as $ gitnew your-new-branch-name and it will run following commands in order

git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b your-new-branch-name

function npmnew() { if [ "$1" != "" ] then mkdir "$1" else print $fg_bold[red] "Oh! you missed to write project name" return 0 fi # closing statement of if-else block cd "$1"

npm init -y
touch server.js
echo "node_modules/" > .gitignore
git init
git add .

git commit -m "initial commit"
git branch -M master

if [ "$2" != "" ]
    print $fg_bold[yellow] "Doing Remote Setup"
    gh repo create "$1" -y --public
    print $fg_bold[yellow] "Local setup done"
    return 0
fi # closing statement of if-else block
git push -u origin master
print $fg_bold[green] "SUCCESS-> Done Remote Setup"
