
Primary LanguageJava

Project with Frontend and Backend which is to launch the algorithm and the connectivity between the kafka server and the postgres DB


You can create the configuration with the spring boot application and use the same config to run.

Kafka consumer and producers will be created based on the configuration and the data fed from the csv will be read analysed and passed to topics.


  • JDK 1.7 or later
  • Maven 3 or later


local set up

Go to project (frontend or backend) directory and run below command

mvn clean spring-boot:run mvn clean install

java -jar fronend/target/frontend-1.0-RELEASE.jar

java -jar backend/target/backend-1.0-RELEASE.ja

Then browse

http://localhost:8080/ for front end http://localhost:8080/docs for back end

Run Docker

local set up

Go to project (frontend or backend) directory and run below command

docker build .

for Backend docker run -p 8085:8080 -d <imageName> -p

for Frontend export BACKEND=http:\\localhost:8085 docker run -p 8084:8080 -d <imageName>

Then browse

http://localhost:8084/ for front end http://localhost:8085/docs for back end