
An Xcode project which uses EarlGrey 2 to test a UIKit application.

Primary LanguageSwift


This Xcode workspace experiments with using EarlGrey 2 to test a UIKit application. It has been built by following the EarlGrey 2.0 CocoaPods Integration guide but with three changes:

  1. The pods are added as frameworks by means of the use_frameworks! declarative in the Podfile. This is primarily so that the 'EarlGreyTest' module can be imported into Swift files.
  2. The 'EarlGreyApp' pod is not added directly to the application target but to a helper bundle as suggested in issue #1562 in the EarlGrey GitHub repository.
  3. The steps in the White-Boxing Setup Guide have been followed to allow custom EarlGrey actions and matchers to be defined in the helper module. The steps which pertain to Link Binary With Libraries and User Header Search Paths were skipped since these are achieved automatically by means of CocoaPods.

The UI tests defined in this workspace (EarlGrey2ExperimentUITests) were working for me previously but are now failing due to an issue in the perform_rebinding_with_section method. The issue has been fixed in the EarlGrey source but has not been released to CocoaPods. See issue #1641.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run pod install in the repository's root folder.
  3. Open the Xcode workspace.
  4. Run the tests defined in EarlGrey2ExperimentUITests.swift.