NLE practical session for PAISS 2018
First, download and install the appropriate version of miniconda following the instructions for MacOS or Linux.
Then run the following commands:
conda install numpy matplotlib ipython scikit-learn
conda install pytorch torchvision faiss-cpu -c pytorch
On MacOS there’s a bug for faiss related to libomp (facebookresearch/faiss#485): run “brew install libomp” (see to install brew) to resolve this bug.
Install anaconda on windows (launch .exe file downloaded from the conda website). It has to be python 3 (pytorch doesn’t support 2.7 on windows)
In the anaconda prompt, run:
conda create -n pytorch
activate pytorch
conda install pytorch-cpu -c pytorch
pip install torchvision --no-deps
conda install pillow
Oxford dataset:
wget -O images.tgz
mkdir -p data/oxford5k/jpg && tar -xzf images.tgz -C data/oxford5k/jpg
wget -O gt_files.tgz
mkdir -p data/oxford5k/lab && tar -xzf gt_files.tgz -C data/oxford5k/lab
Features and models:
wget -O features.tgz
tar -xzf features.tgz -C data
wget -O models.tgz
tar -xzf models.tgz -C data
Run python --qidx 42 --topk 5
and you should see the following ouput: