

Primary LanguageShell

Updated Installation and Usage Guide:

  1. Install Dependencies:

Ensure you have the required dependencies installed on your Linux system. You need Nginx, N_m3u8DL-RE and ffmpeg:

  • For Nginx, you can install it using the package manager of your Linux distribution. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian, you can run:

    sudo apt-get install nginx
  • For N_m3u8DL-RE, you need to install it separately. You can follow the instructions for installation from its official repository - https://github.com/nilaoda/N_m3u8DL-RE.

  • For ffmpeg, you can install it using the package manager of your Linux distribution. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian, you can run:

    sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
  1. Save the Scripts:

Copy and paste the main script (mpd2hls.sh), stop.sh, and restart.sh into separate files on your Linux system. Save them in a convenient location, such as your home directory or a dedicated scripts folder.

  1. Provide Executable Permissions:

In the terminal, navigate to the location where you saved the scripts and provide them with executable permissions using the following commands:

chmod +x mpd2hls.sh
chmod +x stop.sh
chmod +x restart.sh
  1. Usage:
  • To start the conversion process:
./mpd2hls.sh -folder nameOfTheFolder -file nameOfFile -url "your_url_here" -key "your_key_here"
  • To stop the conversion process for a specific instance:
./stop.sh instance_identifier
  • To restart the conversion process for a specific instance:
./restart.sh nameOfTheFolder nameOfFile "your_url_here" "your_key_here"

Make sure to replace nameOfTheFolder, nameOfFile, "your_url_here", and "your_key_here" with the appropriate values for your use case.