This is an installation mirror for xtream ui software on Ubuntu 20.04. Includes NGINX 1.19.2 and PHP 7.3.25.
- No planned update to come
- Fixed release
- Bumped xtream-ui admin to 22F Mods 13
- bumped php version from 7.2 to 7.3 following 7.2 obsolence
- fixed user_watcher.php disconnect users every minute because of wrong pid check.
Note: HLS activity is wrongly reported. You should use mpegts ouput and not hls while it's unfixed
Thanks to GTA for xtream-ui admin original interface Thanks to emre1393 for being the wisdom of xui community
Update your ubuntu first, then install panel:
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt install python2 -y;
sudo python2
If you want a whole NEW installation, choose MAIN and then UPDATE.
If you want to install load balance on additional servers, add a server to panel in manage servers page, then run script and proceed with LB option.
If you want to update admin panel, select UPDATE.
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