
Feature request, overlay or/and second stream

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I'd love to spice up my twitch, be amazing to overlay some of the print info into the stream, temps, eta, etc etc. I could make a mock up. Be nice to have a second stream too so I could put a webcam in the corner like gamers do so I can talk with others while it streams.

Of course these are just ideas wanted to jot them down and see if it's possible.

Thinking more about this, colluding we just make a layout with this info we want, and have it create an png every x amount of time, then use that png to overlay over the stream? I haven't worked with this type of thing but that might be the easiest and most configurable method to get an informational overlay onto the stream. maybe even be able to use a second RTMP stream so that you could run a stream from a webcam and put it int he corner if you wanted? Not sure if the Pi could handle a second stream, but be fun to try.

so I was thinking of something like

self.overlay_cmd_default = "-i /tmp/stream_overlay.png -filter_complex '[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0'"
self.ffmpeg_cmd_default = (
    "ffmpeg -re -f mjpeg -framerate 5 -i {webcam_url} "                                                            # Video input
    "{overlay_cmd} "                                                                                               # Overlay input
    "-ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero "                                               # Audio input

the png path would need to be inside the docker image, so using /var/lib/docker to write it out on the host system, or add a mount point in the docker init call so we can write out the image every x seconds.

the overlay=0:0 is where to place the overlay on the stream x:y based on top left. This might need to be a variable or static to 0:0 and just make it so the image generator take in account the size of the video.

I started trying to mod things but I'm not versed well in docker or the octoprint plugin framework, so figured I'd post things here cause maybe someone could make this work faster then me. I'd love to be able to use things like nozzle temp, bed temp, elapsed time, time remaining, maybe some icons and such, maybe include a few icons, to use in front of items.

Could allow upload of images that could be placed on a mat, then just have the image generate on x interval, which would just be accessible to the docker image and get added to the stream, but default it could just be a blank png so nothing changes by default?

jnsw commented

any updates?

Not from me I haven't hate time to mess with it, but I plan to look into it soon, Hopefully if I put in a PR it'll get more response from the maintainer.

I have done this at, but don't mistake the name as it will not run on rPi. I might see if this could be simplified and work on rPi.