Plugin that adds a tab to OctoPrint for viewing, starting, and stopping a live stream
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 7
Feature request, overlay or/and second stream
#22 opened by TheSin- - 2
Docker container not starting
#23 opened by muldaddy - 1
Multiple Stream Situation
#24 opened by Brazedowl - 3
- 1
Plug-in installs but doesn't show a new item in the list of plug-ins to configure
#27 opened by rubin110 - 1
- 2
YouTube "Please use a keyframe frequency of four seconds or less" error from one printer but not another
#33 opened by KenLucke - 2
Stream without docker?
#40 opened by briandilley - 1
Why 16:9 and not 4:3
#41 opened by redpiyaya - 2
Is this addon abandoned?
#35 opened by mjrider - 14
Unable to pull Docker image
#37 opened by EvilBlood - 6
Error when press "Go Live"
#36 opened by Nuttavoot - 6
- 2
How do you find the URL for your webcam?
#38 opened by renegadecitizen - 1
Stream works but no preview
#42 opened by bad-gargoyle - 9
Error when trying to stream
#1 opened by drkline - 1
- 0
[Feature Request] Python 3 Compatibility
#28 opened by jneilliii - 2
Whoops! This embed is misconfigured. (Developers: Please check your browser console for more information)
#32 opened by coolguymatt - 3
Facebook Streaming
#11 opened by Hotwire - 2
Changing Frame Rate
#21 opened by RamblingGeekUK - 2
Stream not going live?
#13 opened by Jaxel - 1
Stream Title and other info
#16 opened by Hotwire - 2
Possibility for music or other audio?
#14 opened by Napa39 - 2
- 0 reject connection ( hat die Verbindung abgelehnt.) in Webcamstreamer Tab
#25 opened by kalleknall - 0
Avoid running the container in privileged mode
#18 opened by d6e - 5
Add Non-Pi Support
#12 opened by jneilliii - 6
External docker server
#10 opened by K34nu - 3
Low Resolution on Youtube Live
#9 opened by brooksben11 - 15
Live but not Live
#2 opened by Xlaits - 6
issue with buffering on twitch
#3 opened by lowestlime76 - 6
choppy video with high latency
#5 opened by ksztibor - 2
Unable to start
#4 opened by jneilliii