
Library site implementation in React/Springboot with RESTish API.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a little project I had in mind to make, uses Spring Boot for backend framework with some JPA sprinkle to connect with MariaDB. Thymeleaf helps with rendering pages server-side. Frontend is done using React and basic flux architecture, though it would probably be tons better with Redux and ReactRouter. Stylesheets use SASS, with aid from Skeleton boilerplate. All that is built using gulp.

Disclaimer: Passwords are stored in database as plain strings for testing purposes.


  1. Install JDK, gradle and MariaDB for backend,
  2. Make user and database (and make sure to change properties in ./src/main/java/resources/application.properties),
  3. Import sql from ./src/main/resources/import.sql,
  4. Install node,
  5. Install gulp npm install -g gulp,
  6. Install frontend dependencies npm install,
  7. Run gulp (or gulp minify for minified output),
  8. Run gradle bootRun or java -jar ./build/libs/biblioteka.jar.