
A text-based Mathurat library


بسم الله الرّحمٰن الرّحيم


A text based Al-Mathurat database


It is so hard to find a working text based Al-Mathurat in the web. People are sharing images/non-OCR friendly files instead of free text that you can copy the content around. Thus, i created this repo.

Feel free to use and do a pull request and feel free to use. No license.


To create sqlite database from mathurat_sughra_sqlite.sql, just run cat mathurat_sughra_sqlite.sql | sqlite3 mathurat.db

To load the translations, run cat mathurat_sughra_sqlite_<language>.sql | sqlite3 mathurat.db


  1. mathurat_sughra.sql

Currently i only have Sughra version :) Maybe next time will have Kubra version (need help!)

TODO (Need help/contributors)

  • Al-Mathurat Kubra


  • Bahasa Melayu (translation_ms.sql)
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Urdu
  • French
  • Portuguese
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Japanese
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • German
  • Tamil
  • Turkish
  • Any other languages


I am not responsible/liable for any damages caused from using this data. Data is provided as is with a community best effort to minimise errors and discrepencies.