
A simple todo list app that was created with angular and the Yeoman Angular Generator.

Primary LanguageApacheConf


This project was killing two birds with one stone. I had just recently discovered the Yoeman set of tools for front end development and was keen to experiment with the various generators and see how it would change my workflow. I was also keen to learn a bit more about the AngularJS framework.

This project started off as simply playing around with yeoman generators, but then once I had an angular app scaffolded out, I might as well seize that opportunity to build a basic angular app and learn a bit more about the framework.

##What is it

The app itself is a very primitive todo list. The user can add items to the todo list and delete items from it. Unfortunately I never got round to making the app persistent so the data will reset everytime the app is closed. This however will be something to be looked into in the future when I learn more about angular.