Team Collaboration

1. Asciidoc Setup

Please refer to the asciidoc user’s guide:

This cheat sheet is also very helpful:

1.1. Linux

  1. yum install git asciidoc docbook-xsl fop

  2. Edit /etc/asciidoc/asciidoc.conf and change the following




2. Running the tools from a container

  • To build your own container, see the authorative README included in the Fedora-Dockerfiles repo here.

  • To use the trusted build from the Docker registry. Note that you will need to change your path of the workdir below.

    sudo docker run --privileged -dt -v /home/path_to/git_projects/container-best-practices/:/workdir fedora/container-best-practices make
    sudo docker run --privileged -dt -v /home/path_to/git_projects/container-best-practices/:/workdir fedora/container-best-practices make clean

3. Asciidoc Compiling

  • To create a single HTML document:

    asciidoc <text file>
  • To create HTML Slides:

    asciidoc --backend slidy <text file>
  • To create a PDF:

    a2x -fpdf -dbook --fop --no-xmllint -v <asciidoc file>
  • To create an EPUB:

    a2x -fepub -dbook --no-xmllint -v <asciidoc file>

3.1. Hello World

Create a simple asciidoc document:

= My Document Title

== Chapter 1
some content

== Chapter 2
some more content

.Some Table
^| Heading1 ^| Heading2
| row1 column1 content |
| | row2 column2 content

.Some Figure
image::screenshot.png[Screenshot Text]

Take a screenshot of something and put it in the same directory as this .adoc and name it screenshot.png

3.2. Automatic Compiling

Use a Makefile to compile the asciidoc into HTML and PDF.



all: $(DOCS) html pdf epub

html: $(DOCS)
    asciidoc -v hello_world.adoc

pdf: $(DOCS)
    a2x -fpdf -dbook --fop --no-xmllint -v hello_world.adoc

epub: $(DOCS)
    a2x -fepub -dbook --no-xmllint -v hello_world.adoc

    rm -f *.html *.pdf *.epub

Compile the doc

make clean && make