
testcloud is a small helper script to download and boot cloud images locally.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


testcloud is a small helper script to download and boot cloud images locally. Currently only Fedora qcow2 images are tested and supported.


  • libvirt
  • libvirt-python
  • libguestfs
  • libguestfs-tools
  • python-requests (for whatever python version you're running)
  • py.test (if you plan on running or working on the tests)

All of these packages are in the Fedora repos (and likely other distros as well).

For the moment, the follwing directories need to exist with permissions that allow modification by any permitted user:


This will be automagical in a future version of testcloud and is a side-effect of the current refactoring/transition process.

If you are running testcloud as a non-administrative user (ie. not in wheel) or on a system that doesn't have a polkit agent running (custom setups, headless systems etc.), you may need to adjust local polkit configuration to allow non-root users to manage VMs with libvirt. Add the following data into /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/50-nonrootlivirt.pkla:

[nonroot libvirt system connection]

After writing that file, restart polkit (systemctl restart polkit) and if the user in question is a member of the unix group testcloud, that user should be able to run testcloud with no additional permissions.

Basic Usage

The usage varies slightly between using the git checkout and installing the module. To run testcloud straight from the git checkout, use

python run_testCloud.py instance create <instance name> -u <url for qcow2 image>

After installing via pip or setup.py, you can run

testcloud instance create <instance name> -u <url for qcow2 image>

This will download the qcow2 and store it in /var/tmp/cache/<qcow2 filename>. This will be used as a backing store for your instance under /var/tmp/instances/<instance name>. These instances will be viewable within virt-manager. To see your running instances run:

testcloud instance list

Instances can be stopped, started and destroyed as well through this interface. To see a list of options, run:

testcloud instance -h


There are currently only three options (all optional) you can use when invoking this script: '--ram', '--no-graphic' and '--atomic'.

The --ram option takes an int for how much ram you want the guest to have, the --no-graphic option is merely a flag to suppress a GUI from appearing, the --atomic option indicates that you wish to boot an Atomic host (currently not tested).

Once the image has booted, you can log in from the GUI or ssh. To log in with ssh, run the following command:

ssh -F ./ssh_config testcloud

The user is 'fedora' and the password is 'passw0rd'

Now you have a working local cloud image to test against.


The default configuration should work for many people but those defaults can be overridden through the use of a settings.py file containing the values to use when overriding default settings. The example file in conf/settings-example.py shows the possible configuration values which can be changed.

Note that in order for those new values to be picked up, the filename must be settings.py and that file must live in one of the following locations:

  • conf/settings.py in the git checkout
  • ~/.config/testcloud/settings.py
  • /etc/testcloud/settings.py


There is a small testsuite you can run with:

py.test test/

This is a good place to contribute if you're looking to help out.

Issue Tracking and Roadmap

Our project tracker is on the Fedora QA-devel Phabricator instance.


Thanks to Oddshocks for the koji downloader code :)


This code is licensed GPLv2+. See the LICENSE file for details.