
Implementation of Caesar Cipher in C Programming Language

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

The caesar cipher is named after Julius Caesar who used it when sending
secret military messages to his troops. This is a simple substitution cipher
where every character in the plain-text is shifted by a certain number known
as the "key" or "shift".

How to build this project?
Copy the project locally. 
Open terminal and go to the project directory.
Then type "make" command.
This will compile the source code.

NOTE : Please do not change the file structure of the project. If changed, the project
       cannot be built. Meaning the contents of the src should not be extracted. Presence 
       of the src directory in the project directory is necessary for the project to be

How to run the project?
In the terminal, after building the project, typing "./a.out" will run the program.
NOTE : "./a.out" will work only on MacOS or any Linux Operating systems. 
In windows, typing "a.exe" will run the code. 

Sample Test Case
Message : Hello World!
Shift : 10

Encrypted Message : Rovvy gyBvn!